Soooo much to catch up on after that crazy rockstar weekend! Between the WERS appearance and the Thumbprint productions filming of our Portsmouth show Friday, the 'Dise show Saturday night, and the video shoot for "Bliss" by Salem filmmaker Christopher Gaines on Sunday, I am BEAT. (Day job? Wha?)
I did want to take a minute, though, to tell you about the awesome organization where Chris works by day: Raw Art Works in Lynn, MA. Essentially, they provide the creative space and supercool programs for kids ages 6 through the upper teens to come and create art of all kinds, including film in the case of Chris's program for teens, Real to Reel. Not only does RAW give the kids somewhere to be after 3pm while their parents are busting their hides to provide, but it also gives them invaluable tools for exploration and expression.
RAW's annual bash is coming up on May 16th @ 37 Central Square in Lynn, 7-11:30pm. The party includes music, food and an auction of artwork made by participants in the programs (I got a sneak preview of some work yesterday and I was Just. Blown. Away.)

If you can't make it to the party, donating to RAW is super easy. Just go here -- the secure form's done in two shakes and your karmic points for the day skyrocket! Win. You can also get on their mailing list here. I just did. Glancing around at the piles of bureaucracy around my desk, I gotta say I'm wicked jealous of Chris's day job, but I'm also excited to get involved however I can. Good good stuff. Pass it on.
we hired the RAW Art people to do kids' activities for the baseball team I worked for in Lynn last year. good stuff
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