In this day and age, we all have impossible To Do lists, right? At any given moment, I have - no exaggeration - 50 things I should be doing, which means that even if I'm doing something productive (and chances are not as good as one would hope) there are always 49 other things I'm neglecting. Always.
Between personal stuff, home stuff, band stuff, work stuff, writing stuff, and friend & fam stuff, some things just have to go by the wayside. In the last two months I have embraced the reality that I may never again wear a pair of truly matching socks. Same color is awesome, same color family is still okay and some days it's an accomplishment if the socks are in the same color palette. (Good thing show attire for me involves tights, so left and right never leave each others' side!) The good news is that once you start calling yourself an artist, people seem more apt to let these things slide.
With all of this Stuff To Do (I was going to type STD but I think that acronym already belongs to a whole other set of unpleasantries) I've been really trying to savor and soak up the quiet moments I find to myself. Lately that has been limited to my lovely walks to work.
I'm such a sun worshipper that this time of year up here can darken my outlook by several shades. My recent strolls through the sunlit colors and textures of autumn have been nothing short of medicinal.
In the course of writing this, I thought of 3 things I need to get back to this afternoon; I'll bet you did, too, in the course of reading it. As we both rush off, I wish you your own moments of stillness and light: may you find the time to completely forget all the Stuff (Is this a...what day is this?) and just bask, however briefly, in the present.
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