Saturday, August 28, 2010

Best Breakfast Sandwich Ever

So far, no writing this weekend.  Cooking, though.  Last night I made fish tacos.  Catfish:  success!

This morning, my breakfast sandwiches were inspired by one the GP ordered at the lovely Adrift restaurant in Anacortes, WA.

He declared it to be the best breakfast sandwich he'd ever eaten.  I had a bite...or two (because no Outlund could ever date someone for too long who didn't like people eating off of her/his plate...and, my dad added, who didn't return the favor).  I had to concur:  it was one tasty breakfast sandwich.

I took note of the ingredients, though I forgot what kind of cheese they used and just chose a decent melty one that seemed like it would balance out the tanginess of the pesto.  I also added the sprouts.  I'm on a sprout kick.  They're insanely good for you and easy to sneak into things like breakfast sandwiches or fish tacos.

I would have taken a picture of them for you, but I set off for my camera and then suddenly the sandwiches had vanished.  Just crumbs (except on GP's plate, which was eerily clean).  Weird.

Best Breakfast Sandwich Ever

Sourdough bread 
Havarti cheese
Alfalfa sprouts

Slice the avocado & cheese.  Heat 2 skillets on medium-ish for a couple of minutes.  Butter one side of each slice o bread.  Grill each slice of bread separately - add pesto spread, sprouts & avocado to one slice and cheese to the other.  Fry egg.  Cut egg in half and add on top of the cheese.  If you want your cheese extra melty, let it fry a little longer with the hot egg on top of it.  Put the sandwich together.  Presto.

Fresh ingredients = yummiest.  Adrift always uses good local stuff and so should you.  Also, this is very good with mango slices and maybe some black beans & rice (squirt of lime, pinch of cinnamon) on the side.

Easy.  Yum.

GP said mine were even better than Adrift's.  Smart man; a wise artist from Iowa once said that's the real reason we're here.


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