Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Homemaking hiatus...

Hello friends & family,
I have to say I haven't been able to really write in here as much
as I would like, to share just some of the multitudes of waves of thoughts.
I'm a surfer.  It's a fast-moving game.


Sunday I got a fortune cookie.  My fortune:  Welcome change.

I'm moving this month and somehow also managed to schedule 
3 shows,  (the third is this Friday at Cafe 939 with Sarah Rabdau & SEA + Dramamine [in tribute to The Motion Sick] - all ages!  8pm start.)
3 out-of-town houseguest visits, and 
1 party
this month, too.  

So I'm gonna give myself a week off (maybe 2?) from the regular bloggingses.
Just to free up some mental space
and energy.

If you're sad about missing the duologues,
you should seek out someone to chat with yourself tomorrow.
Ask them what they care about.  It's fun and enriching.

Or just watch some Doctor Who.

In the meantime
I'll post pics maybe once in awhile
of this wonderful
and ridiculous process.

There is a library in those boxes.
There is a cat in this picture.
Only one person in the world could possibly understand
my love of this couch.
Thankfully, my beloveds are accepting & sweet enough to go
to all the trouble without really understanding.

P.S. If roommates throw a housewarming party, is it acceptable to register for gifts at thinkgeek.com?


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